Friday, February 12, 2010

New Fridge!

I fell in love with this refrigerator many years ago.... but its just not practical RIGHT? You can see everything, which is OK with me since we (well Jon) keeps a very clean fridge and we head to the store every few days but then there is no door storage for condiments, dressings, butter etc. But then again its just sooooo cute! I have always been a girl that takes cute over practical :)
Over the past year I have showed Jon this fridge and he just gives me a smile and laughs

BUT THEN SUDDENLY the other day Jon had to head into the Kitchen store and he's totally not an impulse buyer but yet he can't resist a SALE FLOOR MODEL. And and then SUDDENLY he called me and said he had to get it!


  1. That was just meant to be! Now you just need plenty of vintage Pyrex refrigerator dishes to keep your leftovers looking fab. :)

  2. how exciting!!! just think, one day that will be you standing all cute in the kitchen by the fridge, with jon sitting at the table happily drinking his coffee, except there won't be a city in the background...hehehehe!

  3. Yes yes yes Emilie!! You got it :)
    Melissa hehehe You can take a photo shoot of us in our new kitchen :)
